Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Groomsmen- An Introduction
In the meantime, you can check out our website for the rundown of groomsmen and bridesmaids.
Wedding Rings for guys
Ipod- dropped in toilet
Swiss army watch- left in a bag that we gave to goodwill (luckily Anna saw it before giving it away). I had misplaced it for 4 months.
New Ipod- lost for a week, found under the seat of my car.
Maybe we should be looking at the positives of the above...I, or someone else, has always found what I've lost.
So as we begin this search for the male ring, I've been instant that we don't buy an expensive one. I understand that the ring is a symbol of our love and our marriage and I shouldn't lose it. I do understand that. But let's be realistic here: I am 27 years old and have never been good at keeping up with things. I've never worn a ring for more then a week (when rings were cool for guys back in the late 90' least I thought they were cool).
So I don't want to buy a $500 ring. I want to by a $50 ring. This pisses my mom off. This pisses my sister off. My brother just laughs and shakes his head at me.
I'm not trying to offend them women out there, although I know I am good at that. I just want them to be realistic, and maybe that's too much to ask?
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Off to the Big Apple
Monday, December 17, 2007
Engagement Party
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Check your Mail!!!
Seriously, though, if you don't get them in a few days, definitely let us know.
Monday, November 5, 2007
November Wedding Happenings
1. Anna has a new job working in Butner, NC in the adolescent unit of John Umstead Hospital. She started today.
2. I started a new job, still at Eurosport, but now as a Regional Manager. I now manage people, not soccer club business. Totally different.
3. We received our "Save the Dates" and now need to mail them out.
4. We visited my parents out in Kansas City and drove my brothers car 17 hours back to Durham, because...
5. Anna's car was in the shop for 3 weeks due to an "Oil sludge" issue. I wouldn't recommend bringing up this incident with Anna unless you really want to get on her bad side.
6. Anna had her first ever alcoholic drink on an airplane!
7. Duke football is now 1-8 and I'm offically asking for Ted Roof to be fired. So much so that I'm thinking of buying It's only $50.00 and I think it's worth it.
8. We had our 2nd cake tasting, this time at Edible Art in Raleigh. The cake was amazing and we're definitely going with them.
9. I ate Fois Gras for the 1st time (and liked it).
10. I ate Scallops for the 2nd time (and liked it).
11. I ate Elk for the first time (and liked it a lot).
12. We drove back from Kansas City with 48 beers and 6 bottles of wine. My cousin Sara called us modern day bootleggers.
Friday, October 19, 2007
This Just In...Bridesmaids have been announced
For those of you anxiously awaiting the groomsmen, that list should be up shortly.
I was thinking about announcing like they announce the NCAA tourney...Not actually telling the guys first and having them check back day after day seeing if some embarrassing picture had been posted on the blog or the site, but Anna said that would be pretty inappropriate. So I'll tell them first and then post it. Not exactly as much fun, but what can you do?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Ming Blue (Johnson Hyundai Commercial)
They've released another batch of Badger car commercials and although I don't think they are as funny as the Wiggle Room one, they are still really creative. Check out Grady's ears (yes the badger has a name) when he is trying to say the word "ming". Hilarious.
On a side note, one of my loyal readers brought to my attention that when you google "badger wiggle room", my blog comes up #1 ahead of youtube! My blog is going world-wide.
If you haven't seen these commercials yet, I implore you to click on this link and enjoy...
Then come back and tell us what Badger commercial is your favorite.
Oh, and I'm going to be a badger for Halloween so don't think of stealing my idea.
Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm not angry. Really I'm not, but I was trying to think back on something I spent $234.85 on...My "man purchase" of a flat-screen television definitely cost more then that, but that was more a purchase for everyone. I even bought a suit recently, but that didn't even cost $234.85 (It was a $600 suit that I got for under $200 thank you very much).
Am I overreacting here? Do women really spend $200-plus dollars on make up?
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wedding Rule #1
(Those of you who have played soccer with Anna probably know where this is going).
Anna bruises like a freakin' peach and because of this we have implemented:
Soccer will not be played for 1 month leading up to the wedding to avoid bruises on the arms legs and face.
The face part was added to the rule today because of a little elbow I took while playing on Thursday night. The bruise is really coming in nicely 36 hours after the incident. If it gets any worse, I'll definitely update the picture, but I wanted to capture proof of my semi black eye. Could you imagine if Anna or I had a freakin' black eye on our wedding day?!? Our mothers wouldn't be crying tears of joy, that's for sure.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I Think I just had an idea...
So I went up to our beautiful capital this weekend and got to meet up with one of my fraternity brothers who is also engaged and planning to wed in May. After a few beers at the baseball game, I mentioned to him that it might be cool to have someone else post their thoughts on the blog.
Without hesitation, he accepted and I now have my 1st guest blogger.
Now I ask my loyal readers to be accepting of my 5'5" Jewish fraternity brother.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm off to our Capital
I will be out of town until Sunday, visiting my second favorite city in the US, Washington DC.

I'm in desperate need of a little vacation from work so I'm getting out of here around noon today, heading to the Phillys-Nats baseball game tonight and plan to watch football and futbol (which means soccer to all you southerners) all weekend with my buddy Bennett (Check out his food blog that he does with his GF and others).
Maybe Anna will grace this blog with her presence in my absence and share some thoughts on being a bride...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The Streak is Over- Duke Football
If you haven't heard yet, Duke beat Northwestern 20-14 on Saturday night despite not scoring in the 2nd half and almost getting jobbed by the referees.

in his fourth year of coaching. In previous games, Duke players,
when touched would just go down, kind of like flag football.
However, when on defense, other teams wouldn't play
by the same rules.
The game was on the Big 10 network, which is luckily available on DirecTV. So I was able to head over to a buddy's house from work and catch the entire thing. Apparently there are a few pictures of me right before Duke won the game, which show me in different states of shock/hysteria/glee and prayer. If I get my hands on those, I'll post them here.
This was such a big deal that it actually made ESPN, check the last series of the game here.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Honeymoon Destination...Done and Done
and returning on Friday, May 16th. We thought about extended it a few days longer but decided having a weekend at home to unwind before going back to the real world would be a good idea.
Anna and I are both pretty well traveled (thanks to all the great places our parents have taken us) as well as the program called "study abroad" (although not much studying actually takes place). Because of this, we both wanted to experience something a bit different then the cookie cutter honeymoon, not that there's anything wrong with a resort with a swim up bar (Not to rub it in, but the picture linked to the swim up bar is the hotel my parents and I are staying at in Maui this November...I know, I'm rubbing it in.
If you're saying to yourself, "Where are they staying again?", then click here to read my first post on our prospective honeymoon destination and then we'll all be on the same page.
We are going to stay at the Emerald Villa for a total of 8 nights sandwiched around 3 nights on our own private sailboat with our very own captain, where we will be sailing to Martinique, which is around 6 hours northeast of St. Lucia.
It's a done deal and anyone who's looking for a vacation spot, I'd definitely check out all the options on St Lucia.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Badger Wiggle Room (Johnson Automotive Commercial)
I watch a lot of TV, and for the most part, I don't watch commercials. However, there is a local commercial for Johnson Automotive Group that features a badger as a salesmen. I swear, everytime it comes on, I crack up. Anna insisted that I post a few of the videos on the blog so you guys could check them out. I think there are a total of 5 of them, but this one is my favorite. Just go to and enter "Badger Commercial".
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A "Man" Purchase...

With all this wedding talk I felt like I really needed to go out and "do something for myself" and I'm pretty damn happy with my purchase. From Saturday afternoon until Monday night, I watched 5 1/2 football games ( I couldn't make it through the entire 2nd half of the Arizona/San Fran football game that started at 10:30 pm).
Anna, however, has not enjoyed watching football as much as Joe and I have. Be that this is our first fall in the same town since 3 years ago (since Anna was in Pittsburgh), it's taking a little getting used to on her part (and I guess I should probably compromise and instead of watching 5 games, maybe just 2 or 3).
Anyway, The TV is amazing, best purchase of the year.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My Boy Graydon got Hitched!
Anna and I were fortunate enough to spend a long weekend with some of my really good friends from college, eat some amazing food and see the Yankees beat the lowly Tampa Bay Devil Rays at the historic Yankees Stadium.
Since Anna and I haven't set the menu for either the Rehearsal Dinner or the Reception, we were very much obsessed with the food and the specialty drinks at the reception. First off, the amount of food served over the course of the day was enormous. They started with a raw bar, including oysters and shrimp in conjunction with a buffet style meal including lamb, pastrami, ravioli, fish, chicken, grits (yes GRITS in New York). That wasn't we were eating this, there were servers coming around with all sorts of finger food, too many to even start to list here. Needless to say, it gave us tons of ideas for our own appetizers.
Now most would think, "that's it". However, very few of you know Geoff Graydon, let alone his love for food. The group of around 120 was then escorted upstairs to the actual reception, where we had an open bar and a 4 course sit down dinner.
I wasn't kidding when I said we had a lot of food.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Roll Call...
Honeymoon Destination Update
Hi Jackson,
"Thank you for your mail. No worries, no serious damages in St. Lucia. Even though there was no power on the island for a little bit more than 24 hours, that was only a safety measure induced by the authorities. The Lucian Government confirmed yesterday morning that everything was back to normal in St. Lucia. We even had our resident manager Andre driving all the way North of St. Lucia, where Dean got the closest to the island and everything was as if nothing had ever happened. The beach in Rodney was intact and people were enjoying the water."
So we're now making sure this is what we want to do for the honeymoon...I have this semi-obsession with Europe, which makes me second guess going to a Caribbean island for 11 days when we could be exploring Switzerland, Greece or England...
What are your thoughts...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Wedding Cakes
Wedding Cake tasting is FREE!!! I recommend that you go to your nearest bakery with your significant other and arrange a cake tasting session, whether you're getting married or not!
Miss Very Very Good Girl scheduled a 2 pm appointment this past Sunday at Mad Hatter's Cafe

Friday, August 17, 2007
Honeymoon Destination on Hold
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Honeymoon Part Deux

If you haven't read my first installment of "The Honeymoon" (Click), check it out.This is the ONE thing I'm in charge of and by golly, I'm not going to mess it up. I'm still sticking with my original plan of a 10/11 day honeymoon including 7/8 nights in a villa and 3 nights on a sailboat. I was a bit worried for a few weeks because I didn't think this was actually going to work out, but last night I think I struck gold in one of my 1000 Google searches. Has anyone ever been to St. Lucia Island down in the Caribbean? It's a very small island (around 24 miles long by 15 miles wide) with clear water, mountains, volcano's and the required rain forest.
We will (hopefully) be staying at the Emerald Hill Villa, which has some views that are pretty ridiculous. It's an open-air house with a full kitchen, private pool, living room, etc. We plan to stay in the room for 3 nights, followed by a 3 or 4 night sail boat cruise

Things I want but can't Register for...
Below is SportsBizPro's official unofficial Registry list:
1. Cornhole Set with corn bags- The below picture is of Anna and I enjoying this great game:

2. Portable Beirut Table- Below is a picture of the glorious game being played in the basement of my Animal House-Like fraternity basement at our 5 year college reunion:

Update #2: The beer pong table is finished and we've played our first games on it. Mike and Pika beat Anna and I in a 3 game series...2-0. A rough start for the home side.
Disclaimer: I have the right to add to this list at any time.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Announcing We have not Registered
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Rocco and his Weight Watchers

I received a call from Rocco's vet today, who left me a message full of excitement that Rocco has lost so much weight. The good news for Rocco is that he gets to eat more now. We are off Operation Weight Loss and now starting Operation Weight Maintain.
I hope this squashes any rumors of me trading in Rocco for a skinnier dog.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
What about me??
Below are exerts of an ongoing email chain, which Anna and I are copied on:
MOG starts us off:
"I can't tell you how happy Darryl and I are. We adore Anna and she makes Jeb so happy."
Followed by a little zinger against yours truly:
"Jeb always asked if I left my intelligence at the hospital [where she works] and turned it off when I go to the driveway."
It's go time now and MOB throws in her 2 cents:
"Today we ordered The Dress!! I may :) be a bit biased, but Anna looks spectacular in it. It looks like the dress was made just for her."
MOG concurs, then remarks:
"Anna is so beautiful I can only imagine how she must look in that gorgeous dress."
That's all I've got so far. Note that I do not disagree with anything said above. It's just that the Groom would like a little love thrown his way as well. I mean look at this face...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Wedding Dress!!
In all seriousness, I haven't seen the dress and don't plan to break into her gmail account to peak.
On a different topic, as the groom, I'm feeling a bit left out. I know this is the "bride's day" and all, but give a guy a break. Have no idea what I'm talking about? No worries, because I am currently compiling evidence (quotes) from recent emails written by both the MOB (Jean Hall) and MOG (Anne Quarles). This evidence will show the obvious "lovefest" for Anna, with very little mention of myself. Look forward to that sometime this week.

Monday, July 30, 2007
Doggie Weight Watchers

Anna and I made it our 2007 goal to get Rocco back at a respectable weight, and we're happy to say that was accomplished this weekend. On Saturday morning, I took Rocco for his monthly weigh in and in only 6 months, Rocco has lost 60 lbs, with his most recent weight being 88 lbs. To be honest, he's pretty much a new dog. On sunday he went swimming in the ocean. Even better and a lot funnier, he jumped off a boat for the first time, fully submerging himself in the ocean.
Below is our perfectly thin Golden Retriever.