Below are exerts of an ongoing email chain, which Anna and I are copied on:
MOG starts us off:
"I can't tell you how happy Darryl and I are. We adore Anna and she makes Jeb so happy."
Followed by a little zinger against yours truly:
"Jeb always asked if I left my intelligence at the hospital [where she works] and turned it off when I go to the driveway."
It's go time now and MOB throws in her 2 cents:
"Today we ordered The Dress!! I may :) be a bit biased, but Anna looks spectacular in it. It looks like the dress was made just for her."
MOG concurs, then remarks:
"Anna is so beautiful I can only imagine how she must look in that gorgeous dress."
That's all I've got so far. Note that I do not disagree with anything said above. It's just that the Groom would like a little love thrown his way as well. I mean look at this face...

That's a face only a mother could love... sweet and totally a face I have seen before which is "I wasn't doing anything, honestly. We just borrowed the ice chest and threw it in the woods for no reason, really!!!!!
oh we go. Please do tell that story mom, as I don't remember the details!
It must suck to be the bad child huh?
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